Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sarah Palin 2012

I saw a Sarah Palin 2012 bumper sticker on my drive home yesterday. My only thought was, "Already?" Let's at least get Mr. O. in office for a couple of days before we start running the next campaign.

Anywho, I was searching for Palin 2012 bumper stickers and found a lot of great merchandise off Cafe Press.

Here's my favorite (Merry Christmas, T!!):

Check out Cafe Press's other great Palin merchandise. I don't quite get the intern theme, unless it's just a Clinton/intern reference.

PS: I can imagine that the Palin the Riveter line is particularly offensive to many feminists (and basically all people who still believe women should have some rights).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is the darker grey area at the bottom of those panties (how that word disgusts me!)? clitty litter??