Friday, June 13, 2008

How Now Brown Cow?

Apparently, I forgot blogging means writing often and frequently and creatively. Sorry, dear readers. If any of you are left out there, come on back. I'm going to try to ease back into the water and start posting more often. I usually am full of empty promises. Dare I say this is not one of them?

Anywho, I truly have been swamped with work, but now work is de-swamping. April, May, and June are my favorite times of the year, and so far, this spring has been great. I hope you, dear reader, have also had a wonderful spring.

Here's to an equally Pink Armgageddon summer!

I thought I'd leave you with a few things I'm currently enjoying this spring/summer:
The Weather
The Mole
Million Dollar Password
June is Gay Pride Month!
Wacky on the Junk
The sun setting on my 20s
Hard Candy
Bring Ya To The Brink (Into The Nightlife: cool-ass video)
The Polyamorous Affair
New friends at work (love summer for that)
Orange, Texas

What are you enjoying out there? What are you looking forward to this summer?

Happy pride! More on pride to come.


Anonymous said...

I love Into The Nightlife - esp since it has a cameo of my favorite ex-porn star turned disco daddy who is now on her tour with her! I think I want to go this year!!!

sidebar - how terrible was she on the View yesterday?

Anonymous said...

AWE Orange, Texas.....that makes me smile:)