Tuesday, December 16, 2008

True Blood = True Love

As I mentioned earlier, after Hurricane Ike, we went without cable for something like 35 days. It was quite miserable, especially because I knew new fall shows were starting, and I was missing out. Oh the humanity!

Anyway, I'm just now catching up, and I watched two episodes of "True Blood" last night. WOW. It's so fun, it's so sexy, it's so scary. I love it. Alan Ball is the genious creator/writer, and he brought us "American Beauty" and "Six Feet Under." I've been waiting for this show since I first heard about years ago.

But, for some reason, critics aren't loving it so much, and I don't know why. It's all I can do to sit here at work right now and not call in sick so I can stay home and finish the whole season. Thankfully, it has been renewed for a second season.

Please remember, if you watched the show, I'm only up to episode three. Don't spoil the fun (this means you, TRICIA!!).

If you're not watching, you should. Who doesn't love slow drawling Southern Gothic dramas about hot, sexy vampires? And one more thing, if you're not watching, you're missing out on this guy, Ryan Kwanten:

Makes you want to get the DVDs, doesn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Should I break down and get HBO? Ugh..... I feel like I'm being nickeled and dimed by Time Warner already as it is.,