Friday, January 16, 2009

A Must-Share

I'm sorry, readers, I really am. But this is about the most fierce (as in fabulous) anti-gay site I've ever perused. I'm just sharing. I think this Peter LaBarbera might be obsessed with us.

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality

If you need a palate cleanser:


Anonymous said...

I think that's the general consensus when it comes to Peter LaBarbera. I mean, how else do you describe someone who seeks out leather and fetish events just to show everyone how sexual and "twisted" it is?

It's like, "Dude, if you're not into that sort of thing, quit going! That's what the rest of us do!"

Jack said...

I totally agree. He comes across very informed, if you know what I mean. It's so very obviously some sort of obsession. It's not healthy.

Did you get a chance to read that Fox News article?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me know. Looks like I have enough time to cancel my flight and return my porta-rim chair.

Jack said...

I should add him on my blog roll. He's funny.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I read the Faux News article. I was quite unimpressed.

Brady said...

Wait- isn't this territory for my blog? I thought you were leaving these types of things to me ;-).

But, yeah, Peter's quite the character. If you're lucky, he'll see your link and write about you too!

ArmoredCity said...

Ug, I read the Fox Article and checked out that site. Your palate cleanser was much needed!

Also, thank you for introducing me to Fuck You, Penguin, which provided some much needed belly laughter today! :D