Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Pink Armageddon Endorses Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton

After attending an electrifying rally for Senator Barack Obama and a reception and Q&A led by Chelsea Clinton, I can confidently recommend that Pink Armageddon readers should select Senator Hillary Clinton to be the nominee for the Democratic Party.

This year marks the first year in my voting life that, as Texans, we have a powerful say in a presidential election, and I have not taken this choice very lightly, nor has it been easy for me. I feel that Senator Clinton can lead this country to many great things, and I will confidently support her through the remaining days of the primary process.

Senator Clinton has defined plans, with specifics that make sense to me, for health care, for national security, for foreign policy, for tax breaks for the middle and lower classes. Her level of experience, her drive, her passion to help Americans have all given me hope that she is the right choice for our country. I strongly request that on Tuesday, March 4, you will head to your polls and select Ms. Clinton.

That said, if Senator Clinton does not win the nomination for her party, I have no problem in supporting Senator Obama in a general election. Any other year, I would be there with the masses, charged to help Senator Obama follow through with a victory. I just feel that at this time, Senator Clinton is the better choice of the two, and I honestly don't think it's fair that they are making me pick one over the other. My vote for Ms. Clinton is not a vote against Mr. Obama.

So, voters and bloggerfriends, head out to your polls. Pull the lever for Hillary, and let's hope that the next administration can help bring America back.


August said...

Awww shit! You need to vote TWICE for Hillary.

1) Early vote for her by Tomorrow (Friday) [2/3 of delegates come from this]

So you can then:
2) Arrive at your precinct at closing time and caucus for her [1/3 of delegates come from this]

What a weird system, eh?

Anonymous said...

OMG Jack, you've made my day. I'm SO GLAD you didn't jump on the Obama bandwagon like the rest of this country. I've already voted for Hil and will caucus for her that night. I'm glad we agree on this one! At least if Barack is elected and nothing gets done, we can just say "told you so".

"Bitch is the new black!"

Long said...

My vote for Ms. Clinton IS a vote against Mr. Obama.