Monday, December 10, 2007

Sounds Like Someone Has a Case of the Mondays

Hey there, world. Who else is hung over today? Blecch.

Maybe these fun Tetris videos will help you through your pain. I heart Tetris. It was the only video game I didn't suck at.

This one has no music, but it's still cool.



Anonymous said...

Those were great videos. I especially loved the first one.

I was a huge fan of Tetris when it first came out, myself. Though I have managed to beat other video games. (I even managed to beat a couple of them without cheats and guides!)

Anonymous said...

Don't you wish you were a part of this back in the day:

Maybe i should learn HTML coding for these comments.

Jack said...

Hey Jarred, thanks for all the welcome wishes and for sharing my love of Tetris. It was the only game I could win. Mario Bros. was SOOOO hard for me, LOL!